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Data Resources

Our raw genotype-phenotype data contains potentially sensitive issues including patients’ personal medical and genetic data.
Thus, the data are strictly monitored and strictly limited to general researchers approved by the institutional ethics committee of
University hospitals participating in the FirstKSGAR Consortium. Interested researchers can submit a “The Agreement Form of
Controlled Data Access and Usage” to the Ethics Committee and IRB to the principal investigator or Senior Manager of the
consortium via the e-mail address to request access to the data. The Committee will evaluate their submitted application and then
allow the controlled datasets to those who have qualified.

All data and further detailed information are available upon request to Prof. Jin Pyeong Jeon MD, PhD (General Director).
All genotype and phenotype resources are managed by “The First Korean Stroke Genetics Association Research” Consortium
constructed from the Sacred Heart Hospital Stroke Database.

The First Korean Stroke Genetics Association Research (The FirstKSGAR) Consortium DIRECTOR : Jin Pyeong Jeon MD., Ph.D
ADDRESS : Institute of New Frontier Research, Hallym University College of Medicine, 1 Hallymdaehak-gil, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea. (Zip: 24252)
TEL : +82-33-240-5171 FAX : +82-33-240-9970
PHONE : +82-10-8819-4621
MAIL : de3477@hallym.ac.kr