About Us
The First Korean Stroke Genetics Association
Research Consortium

The First Korean Stroke Genetics Association Research
(The FirstKSGAR) Consortium is a multicenter, prospective,
and observational ongoing clinical genetics study for stroke
patients at the Hallym University College of Medicine,
Chuncheon, the Republic of Korea.
The consortium has built a database that includes
biomaterials (e.g. DNA, RNA, and protein) obtained from
blood and cerebrospinal fluid, clinical and epidemiologic
datasets, and summary statistics of genome-wide
association (GWA), whole-exome sequencing in various
cerebrovascular diseases such as subarachnoid hemorrhage,
intracranial hemorrhage, acute cerebral infarction, traumatic brain injury, and traumatic brain injury to be utilized by
investigators and scientific investigation purposes.
(The FirstKSGAR) Consortium is a multicenter, prospective,
and observational ongoing clinical genetics study for stroke
patients at the Hallym University College of Medicine,
Chuncheon, the Republic of Korea.
The consortium has built a database that includes
biomaterials (e.g. DNA, RNA, and protein) obtained from
blood and cerebrospinal fluid, clinical and epidemiologic
datasets, and summary statistics of genome-wide
association (GWA), whole-exome sequencing in various
cerebrovascular diseases such as subarachnoid hemorrhage,
intracranial hemorrhage, acute cerebral infarction, traumatic brain injury, and traumatic brain injury to be utilized by
investigators and scientific investigation purposes.