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Extracting gene sequences from Stringtie assembly



Hi all,

Forgive me if this question has been posted before (I'm new to this forum). In the past, when doing transcript-level RNA-seq analyses, I have used the gffread utility to pull transcript sequences for annotation and downstream functional analyses.

i.e. gffread -w transcripts.fa -g /path/to/genome.fa transcripts.gtf

However, I am currently working on a gene-level analysis and am having issues doing something similar - especially in regard to evaluating novel loci in my Stringtie assemblies. The way I see it, I have one of two options:

1) Use my RefSeq IDs for non-novel loci and annotate novel loci separately and then merge these annotation lists prior to functional analysis. (If I go this route, I still need to generate a FASTA with the novel loci anyway)


2) Pull all gene/loci sequences and re-annotate everything

Is there a (relatively) simple work-around for this? 

The First Korean Stroke Genetics Association Research (The FirstKSGAR) Consortium DIRECTOR : Jin Pyeong Jeon MD., Ph.D
ADDRESS : Institute of New Frontier Research, Hallym University College of Medicine, 1 Hallymdaehak-gil, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea. (Zip: 24252)
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MAIL : de3477@hallym.ac.kr